Herman Hertzberger graduated in Engineering and Architecture in 1958 and opened his own Practice in Amsterdam that same year.
Arch. Ervin TACI – CEO DEA Studio – ALBANIA
Ervin Taçi is an Albanian urban designer / architect. He has been the co-founder and creative partner of DEA Studio since 2002.
Arch. Farshad MEHDIZADEH – Co-Founder FMZD – IRAN
Farshad Mehdizadeh completed his bachelor’s and initial master’s degree at the Azad University of Isfahan, where he graduated in 2008.
Arch. Peter MURRAY – Chairman London Festival of Architecture, Curator-in-Chief New London Architecture and the London Society – UK
Peter Murray trained as an architect but has spent most of his career writing about and commenting on architecture rather than practising it.
Arch. John MCELGUNN – Partner Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners – UK
John MCELGUNN has extensive experience as a project architect working on public buildings and responding to highly complex briefs.
Arch. Jan GEHL – Founder Gehl architects – DENMARK
Jan Gehl is a urban design consultant based in Copenhagen whose career has focused on improving the quality of urban life.
Tina Saaby, former city architect Copenhagen: 12 Stories about the future of urban living
This past weeks we had the honour to learn the principles of a liveable city from a distinguished architect who...Read More
Jim Heverin on the future of urban living during SHARE Budapest 2020: I think globalization is a clear necessity for lifting many millions of people out of poverty.
Board director of ZAHA HADID, arch. Jim Heverin has closed the first day of the special SHARE edition of the...Read More
Architecture should be a bridge between the larger issues and the smaller acts that a lot of people can do in this life
‘When a young man becomes an architect or just decides that he wants to be an architect, there is...Read More
SHARE Architects is pleased to announce International Architecture Forum of the Visegrad Countries
SHARE Architects is pleased to announce International Architecture Forum of the Visegrad Countries organized together with Budapest Architects Chamber, Association...Read More