SHARE Architects Society


SHARE ARCHITECTS SOCIETY is an exclusive group within SHARE Architects framework through which architects can confront ideas and conceptions, acting as a catalyst for debates and actions, a closed community access based on recognized membership granted by excellency.

PROFESSIONALS in the field of architecture and engineering with an important role in the international architecture community, CONSCIOUS about the specific issues of the contemporary society, culture and politics adhere to SHARE ARCHITECTS SOCIETY to find the premises for a better environment, benefit from each one’s differences, share our experiences and extend knowledge and expertise.

Membership of SHARE Architects Society is by invitation only. All SHARE Architects Society members have been speakers at one or more SHARE events. This is a prerequisite for membership.

SHARE Architects Society has 840 members from 50 countries (membership as of July 2022).

Among the SHARE Architects Society's flagship activities we highlight:

  • Providing jury members for competitions: Bulgarian Architecture Awards 2018, 2019, 2021, Romanian Building Awards, 2017, 2019;
  • Providing the advisory board for the Bulgarian Architecture Awards (2018, 2019, 2021) and Romanian Building Awards 2017, 2019;
  • Establishment of the SHARE Architects OMNIA Awards for Outstanding Career Achievement, which have since been awarded to 16 leading architects from Central and South Eastern Europe;
  • Creation of transnational teams for participation in international architectural competitions (e.g. 2020 Comprehensive Transplant Centre, Cluj-Napoca, România);
  • Participation in private architecture competition Iași Romania. Invited practices ZAHA HADID ARCHITECTS, MVRDV, Foster+Parners, UNStudio.

100 leading figures in the field of architecture,
members of the SHARE Architects Society,

contributed manifestos, essays and interviews to the 2019 book ”Designing the Profile of Future Architects” ( ISBN 978-606-8026-64-0).  The book was launched on October 3, 2019, simultaneously in Venice ( IUAV University) and Prague (National Museum) during the SHARE Talk events organized on this occasion. The book was awarded the ‘’Special distinction prize of the Bucharest Architecture Annual 2020 for research through architecture book.’’