Specialiștii români în proiectarea spitalelor se întâlnesc la București pe 4 aprilie
Peste 150 de specialiști români din domeniul proiectării de infrastructură medicală și invitați din SUA, Grecia și Cipru se vor...Read More
Leaders of architecture from 10 countries reunited in Tirana | Remembering SHARE Albania 2023
The fifth edition of the International Architecture and Technology Innovation Forum, SHARE Albania 2023, took place on 7th of March...Read More
Great career honored within SHARE Albania 2023: Maksim Mitrojorgji received SHARE OPERA OMNIA AWARD
Maksim Mitrojorgji was honored with the SHARE OPERA OMNIA AWARD for his lifelong commitment to architecture and urban planning, his...Read More
SHARE Experts Meeting | Conferința specialiștilor în proiectarea spitalelor
Rezervă-ți locul! Conferința specialiștilor în proiectarea spitalelor îți oferă posibiltatea să întâlnești specialiști din domeniul proiectării de infrastructură medicală din...Read More
Zaha HADID Architects, UNStudio, Snøhetta and JKMM Architects and will gather on the stage of SHARE Slovenia 2023
The third edition of the SHARE Forum in Slovenia will take place on 25th of April 2023, at the Intercontinental...Read More
Gheorghe Telipiz’s career was honored with SHARE OPERA OMNIA AWARD within SHARE Chisinau 2023
Gheorghe Telipiz’s dedication to architecture was awarded with the SHARE OPERA OMNIA AWARD in honor of his lifelong contribution to...Read More
Remembering SHARE Chisinau 2023
The first edition of the International Architecture and Technology Innovation Forum, SHARE Chisinau 20223, took place on 28th of February...Read More
Keep up with SHARE Architects events & news – February issue
KICK-OFF THE PROGRAMME OF EVENTS We officially launched the 2023 programme with a SHARE premiere in the Republic of Moldova,...Read More
Announcement of first guest speakers for SHARE Albania 2023, International Architecture Forum
On 7 March, the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet in Tirana will host the fifth edition of the SHARE...Read More
SHARE Albania 2023: International Architecture and Technology Innovation Forum
The fifth edition of the SHARE Forum in Albania will take place in Tirana on the 7th of March at...Read More