SHARE Skopje 2020 | Opera Omnia Distinction for Arch. Trajko Dimitrov
We were honored to announce that the SHARE Opera Omnia Distinction at SHARE Skopje 2020 went to Arch. Trajko Dimitrov, a leading member of Macedonia’s post-World War II generation of architects. The award was granted by our conference chairman, Arch. Martin PANOVSKI, President of the Association of Architects of Macedonia.
About the architect
Trajko Dimitrov was born on 8th of August 1930, in Skopje (F.R. of Macedonia), where he also graduated in the high school „Cvetan Dimov“. As a young man, a high school student and activist, he took part in three federal youth work actions: 1947(Shamac-Sarajevo), 1948 and 1949 (Bratstvo-Edinstvo). As a student of the Technical Faculty, he showed vast knowledge and organized a lot of sport and cultural manifestations. During his studies, he was a well-known athlete, representing Macedonia on many inter-republic competitions, and even after his retreating from the athletics he remained part of the athletic organization.
He became an active, athletic judge with the highest title – international athletic judge. In 1956 he graduated from the Technical Faculty in Skopje – Architectural department. In 1957, after his graduation, he started working in the Institute for Housing Construction (today Macedonia project, Skopje) and remained working there until his retirement in 1990. Professional data Professionally, his primary focus was social buildings, especially buildings for sport.
He designed a lot of sports buildings such as:
- „Sports facility“ in Cair and Taftalidze
- Reconstruction of „Tartan“ sports track in the City Stadium of Skopje
- Basketball facility „Rabotnicki“
- Stadium „Cair“
- Universal hall in Prilep
- Covered swimming pool „Mladost“ in Skopje
- Universal sports hall in Kumanovo
Apart from the buildings for sport his also well-known buildings are:
- Elementary school „Goce Delcev“in KavadarciThe science museum in Skopje
- Cultural center „Koco Racin“
- Business center „Paloma Bjanka“ in Skopje
Except these projects mentioned above, he also created projects that were not realized, such as:
- Sports facility in Skopje
- Sports facility in Kavadarci
- Covered swimming pool for YPA in Skopje.
In 1960, he wrote a manual for construction and equipment about buildings and terrains for sports education published by the Republic Institute for sports education of F. R. of Macedonia.

Significant achievements and recognitions
- In 1965 he won the „Plaque of architecture“about the Port Building for the airport in Skopje.
- In 1973 he won the „ Golden jubilee plaque“for the Universal sports hall in Prilep.
- He won the Grand – Prix award on the 1st Biennial of Macedonian Architecture for the Universal sports hall in Kumanovo.
- Winner of the „City council charter“in Skopje, about the contribution for restoration and reconstruction of Skopje.
– Bearer of the golden order of labour.
Significant functions:
- President of the union of architects of Macedonia (1977-1980)
- President of Executive board of Chamber of crafts of Macedonia (1982-1989) – Member of the Court of honour of the Chamber of commerce of FFRY
- President of the Athletic Federation of Macedonia (1976-1980)
- Board member for UNESCO in the Republic commission for cultural relationships abroad
- Member of many boards in his municipality and also in the city of Skopje
- President of the Engineering institution of Macedonia
Currently, he is a member of the Architectural Academy of the Association of Architects of Macedonia.