SHARE Talk: Architecture for Hospitals, the first meeting of Romanian experts in hospital design brings in front of a specialized audience, 8 case studies on hospitals from Romania by 8 teams of experts. The teams will continue the debate launched by SHARE Architects throughout specialized online meetings: building rehabilitation versus demolition and new construction
4B Consultanță Arhitectură și PLANHO CONSULTORES. S.L.P vor prezenta detaliile proiectului câștigător al competiției de arhitectură pentru Spitalul clinic de urgență pentru copii în cadrul conferinței SHARE Talk, din 15 septembrie 2021.
Raluca Șoaită, fondator Tesseract Architecture, va prezenta, în cadrul reuniunii specialiștilor în proiectarea de spitale, proiectul Spitalului județean Sibiu.
Proiectul câștigător al competiției pentru proiectarea Centrului de transplant Cluj-Napoca va fi prezentat la SHARE Talk de echipa asocierii PINEARQ S.L.P. și DICO si TIGANAS birou de proiectare.
Studiu de caz va fi prezentat de Ioan Silviu Doboși, Director General Dosetimpex și arhitect Dragoș Bocan, Atelier CAAD SRL Timişoara.
Studiul de caz privind interconectarea clădirilor existente și construcție nouă în incinta Spitalului Clinic Județean de Urgență «Pius Brânzeu» Timișoara în vederea reorganizării circuitelor medicale pentru departamentele: UPU, Chirurgie, ATI și Centru de Mari Arși – va fi prezentat de echipa: arh. Christian Tanascaux, arh. Matei Săndulescu, prof.dr.arh. Vlad Gaivoronschi, arh. Simina Cuc.
Studii de caz prezentate de arh. Gabriel Dumitrache, expert internaţional în domeniul arhitecturii de spitale. Alături de dumnealui, vor prezenta profesor dr. Cristian STOICA, directorul Spitalului de ortopedie FOIȘOR, Dr. Cristian GRASU, fost Ministru secretar de stat la Ministerul Sănătății, Ing. Adrian BALOSIN- șef antrepriza CONTEAM.
A limited number of complimentary seats on first come first serve basis are reserved for Architects, Engineers, Hospital managers, Consultants, Government Officials, Project Management, Main Contractors etc. The online registration process needs to be followed to attain your entry pass for the event. Please note that the complimentary seats allocation are under the jurisdiction of the organizers.
For the specialists the fee is of 75 EURO per delegate.
SHARE Community Members that are also OAR members with signature right benefit from 50% discount available on
If you are a product/material supplier and intend to attend the conference, there would be a delegate fee of 250 EURO applicable per delegate.
The registration is successfully approved, after the online payment. If you have not received your confirmation within the stipulated timeframe, please write to the organizers / reply on the acknowledgment email to check on the status.
The organizer is entitle to check the information provided in the online registration. If the information provided is not correct, or the payment is not correct, the organizer may cancel the registration.
The full-day conference pass will include access to the conference hall, coffee breaks and business lunch buffet in Dacia Felix Restaurant, Radisson Blu Hotel, delegate kits.
It is highly recommended that you use your company/official email id for registration to avoid any confirmation delay.
As the seats are allocated on a first come first serve basis, the registration will close once the hall seating capacity is reached.
No. All registrations are pre-approved online and no on-spot registrations are encouraged.
The registrations start at 09:00 hrs. The team at the registration desk will be fully equipped with the details of those confirmed to attend. If your registration is confirmed, you will only be asked to quote your name and drop your visiting cards at the registration desk to collect your badge and kit.
The official language of the event is Romanian language, only the international presentations will be in English Language.
Apart from the high standard hygiene protocols and checks from the Hotel team, we will be implementing the standard operating procedures and guidelines mandated by the Local Authorities to ensure a safe event.
The maximum number of the attendees is 100.
Each attendee will wear mask, during the entire event.