SHARE Bucharest 2022 Forum

    SHARE Bucharest 2022 International Architecture and Engineering Forum

    ​The 2022 edition of the most important international architecture and engineering forum hosted in Bucharest will take place on the 31st of October and the 1st of November at the Radisson Blu Hotel.

    The goal of SHARE Bucharest 2022 is to focus on design and performance for the next generation of facades and their impact in improving public space, as well as to showcase major developments in Romania and internationally.

    SHARE Bucharest 2022 brings an integrated vision of innovative façade design and technologies, along with disruptive concepts and inspiring projects from Romania and 14 other countries.

    • ​Two days of conferences
    • More than 60 speakers from 15 countries
    • Technical sessions and inspirational lectures
    • Professional networking at the highest level
    • Experts and leaders discuss topical issues
    • Exhibition of architectural façade solutions

    31 October - Sustainable Façades: Design and Technologies

    Day dedicated to technical presentations and debates on topics of interest on fire protection, resilience and human security, in line with the current concerns of society to create spaces and buildings able to address climate challenges.

    1 November - Façades and their impact on public space; Major urban development projects

    The day dedicated to transformative concepts and inspiring projects will bring Romanian architects and guests from 12 countries to the forum.


    31 October - 1 November - Exhibition of architectural façade solutions

    2 days exhibition, which explores the design and the performance of next-generation facades and aims to familiarise architects and other decision-makers with high-performance materials and the latest trends in building skin design

    Click here for exhibitiors.

    Information on presentation packages for companies at the forum can be requested at and at +40 740 117 599. Presentations are held in Romanian. International guest lectures will be held in English.

    Regular Discount

    OAR / AIIR members & students

    An exclusive ticket for members of The Order of Romanian Architects (OAR) working in architectural practices, for architects (including students) under 25 years old and for members of AIIR – Association of Installation Engineers from Romania;

    Ticket includes

    • access to all sessions, presentations, and lectures organized during the forum;
    • networking with peers and architecture leaders;
    • coffee breaks and light buffet lunch;
    59 euro

    architects & engineers

    Ticket for practitioners enrolled on platform architects, structural engineers, facade engineers, installation engineers, urban planners. Don’t have an account yet? Join the platform today (no fees involved) and get the discount for your ticket to SHARE Bucharest 2022.

    Ticket includes

    • access to all sessions, presentations, and lectures organized during the forum;
    • networking with peers and architecture leaders;
    • coffee breaks and light buffet lunch;
    • recorded sessions post-event;
    85 euro

    companies & developers

    Ticket for representatives of companies that provide building materials, technologies, and services for the construction & architecture industry and real estate developers;

    Ticket includes

    • access to all sessions, presentations, and lectures organized during the forum;
    • networking with peers and architecture leaders;
    • coffee breaks and light buffet lunch;
    • recorded sessions post-event;
    200 euro




    Președintele Ordinului Arhitecților România - Filiala București

    Serban ȚIGĂNAȘ

    co-fondator Dico&Tigănas

    Dragoș MARCU

    CEO, Partener Popp & Asociații, Președinte de Onoare AICPS

    Karoly Nemes

    Partener Graphic Studio

    Constantin CIUREA

    Co-fondator Serviciul Arhitectură


    Șef serviciu Avizare, Autorizare și Reglementări, IGSU

    col.(r.) ing. CRISTIAN HOLBAN

    Verificator de proiecte, Expert tehnic, Consultant securitate la incendiu în construcții și instalații

    Orsolya Mária KÖVÉR

    Advisor to the Minister for Development, Public Works and Administration

    Roxana Lyons

    Design Team Leader Blue Projects Company - ROMANIA

    Octavian Lalu

    Senior Fire Safety Scientist at BRE

    Ovidiu MIHALACHE

    Technical Director, 3M Expertizari si Verificari Constructii SRL

    Locotenent drd. arh. Bogdan Brăescu

    Serviciu Avizare, Autorizare și Reglementări, Inspectoratul General pentru Situații de Urgență (IGSU)

    ​Cristian PUȘCAȘ

    Administrator Novartis

    ​Andrei ​​BOTIS

    Președinte al Romanian Green Building Council (RoGBC)


    Director General Directia Generala Dezvoltare Teritoriala - Ministerul Dezvoltării, Lucrărilor Publice și Administrației

    ​Cristian ERBAȘU

    Director General Construcții Erbașu; Preşedinte al Federaţiei Patronatelor Societăţilor din Construcţii (FPSC)

    ​Ștefan ​DUNĂ

    Specialist Dosetimpex

    ​Adrian ZERVA

    Fondator STUDIO 10 M Zerva

    Corina BRITZ

    Lead Architect Globalworth

    Anca-Ioana VOICULESCU

    Colectivul de elaborare normativ - coordonator tehnic în domeniul arhitectură

    Cristian ONOFREI

    Coordonator al Departamentului de Proiectare pentru Structuri de Rezistență SAIDEL Engineering

    Daniela-Ioana TEODORESCU

    Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii Bucuresti; Colectivul de elaborare normativ - coordonator tehnic în domeniul ingineriei instalațiilor

    Radu SFINTEŞ

    Fondator RSBA

    ​Raluca Șoaită


    ​Lilian Captari

    Fondator URBAnOFFICE, Romania

    Sebastian Savescu

    Founder of SAM IDEAS, Romania

    Technical presentations by

    Şeyma Elçin

    Architectural Projects Manager Şişecam

    Ana Călușaru

    Customer Consultant Manager, ALUMIL România

    Andreea Strugaru

    Marketing Manager/Co-owner Kadra

    Daniela Badea

    Manager de produs la ALUKÖNIGSTAHL RO

    Daniela Leonte

    Project Manager – Aluprof

    Răzvan POPA

    CEO Alusystem

    Todor Fidanov

    General manager for ETEM branches in Romania and Bulgaria

    Stefan Simion

    Director Presales si Consultanță, Alukönigstahl

    Florin Popescu

    Business Unit Director, ROCKWOOL Balkans

    Jan Reynders

    Export Area Manager Vandersanden

    Noémi Karácsonyi

    CEO at SIMACEK Facility Services RO


    Project Manager Wemat

    Alina Șeitan

    Head of Application Engineering Henkel Romania

    Todor Rachev

    Brand Manager Architectural Lighting CEE Zumtobel

    Florin Bucovanu

    EQUITONE Sales Manager ETEX Group

    Dan Cojocaru

    Sales Manager zona Sud Aliplast

    Ireneusz Budzowski

    Export Technical Support Specialist Aluprof

    Radu Vieru

    CEO Proventuss Solutions


    Organizing Committee


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