
SHARE Skopje 2022 Forum Invitation

Dear fellow architects, friends and supporters of architecture,

It is often said that architecture has always impressed people, and not only observers, users, but often architects themselves because of its key influence on all aspects of life throughout the history of human civilizations.

Many of us consider it a kind of triumph of freedom and creativity. Therefore, the main task of architecture is to shape and ennoble the space by giving values and meanings, adapting it to the needs of man and his organized communities not only for the given moment but also for the future or for several future generations of its users. For this to be so, we architects always need a wider forum of discussion and presentation of our work to question our ideas, concepts and implemented solutions.

Because if ideas are inexhaustible intellectual material, the space that is their subject, and its organization and shaping is their goal, is still physically limited. Exactly such a forum is SHARE Architects, traditionally organized with the participation of the Association of Architects of Macedonia – AAM.

Therefore, on behalf of the AAM I am pleased to invite you to the 5-th edition of SHARE Skopje 2022, as one of the most active events network in the region in the field of architecture and engineering.

Architect Professor, Dean of University of Architecture and Design at UACS, President of Association of Architects in Macedonia


Check the event program Register here