Invitați și noutăți din programul SHARE Bucharest 2022
Forumului Internațional de Arhitectură și Ingineria Construcțiilor, SHARE Bucharest 2022, va avea loc pe 31 octombrie și 1 noiembrie. Forumul...Read More
[Bucharest] SHARE Forum: Façades and urban space, Large-scale development projects
SHARE Architects and The Order of Romanian Architects (OAR) announce the International Architecture and Engineering Forum, SHARE Bucharest 2022 on...Read More
ANGELIKI ATHANASIADOU, Founding Partner AVW Architecture, Greece will lecture at SHARE Bucharest 2022 Forum
AVW Architecture has been established in Athens in 2010, by Angeliki Athanasiadou and Katerina Vassilakou. Since 2014 AVW Architecture have...Read More
Arch. Farshad MEHDIZADEH, Co-Founder FMZD from Iran at SHARE Bucharest 2022 Forum
Farshad Mehdizadeh was born in Isfahan, Iran. He completed his bachelor’s and initial master’s degree at the Azad University of...Read More
Arch. Peter MURRAY – Chairman London Festival of Architecture, Curator-in-Chief New London Architecture and the London Society – UK at SHARE Bucharest 2022 Forum
He trained as an architect but has spent most of his career writing about and commenting on architecture rather than...Read More
Roman Delugan, co-founder and partner of DMAA for the first time in Romania, at SHARE Bucharest 2022 Forum
Roman Delugan is co-founder and partner of DMAA. Born in Meran, Italy, he studied architecture at the University of Applied...Read More
Practici și recomandări ale experților în infrastructură medicală în cadrul conferinței de la București
Conferința specialiștilor în proiectarea spitalelor, inițiată de SHARE Architects, a reunit la București la începutul acestei săptămâni peste 150 de...Read More
New Iasi Architecture
New Iasi Architecture (NIA) brought together dozens of professionals in the field of built environment, from architects from Romania, Poland,...Read More
Profesioniști în proiectarea spitalelor, din țară și străinătate, se reunesc pe 30 mai la București
Conferința specialiștilor în proiectarea spitalelor, inițiată de SHARE Architects, va reuni la București săptămâna viitoare peste 150 de specialiști din...Read More