Orașele care integrează armonios elemente noi și vechi au potențialul de a deveni centre vibrante”. Interviu IPN cu Florin Mindirigiu, fondatorul SHARE Architects
La 13 februarie, va avea loc cea de-a doua ediție a Forumului Internațional de Arhitectură SHARE Chișinău, un eveniment care...Read More
Searching for a Vibrant Contemporary City
RIBA International Award for Excellence winner Etan Kimmel, co-founder of Kimmel Eshkolot Architects in Israel, announced as speaker at SHARE...Read More
SEE HOW IT WAS // Insights into the 5th edition of SHARE Serbia
ZAHA Hadid Architects, AL_A, Stefano Boeri Architetti, 2Portzamparc 3LHD, and many other renowned national and international architectural offices were present...Read More
Un omagiu adus arhitectului român Nicolae Țaric. Va fi distins pentru întreaga sa carieră în domeniul arhitecturii contemporane cu premiul SHARE Architects Opera OMNIA
Arhitectul român Nicolae Țaric va fi distins pentru întreaga sa carieră în domeniul arhitecturii contemporane cu premiul SHARE Architects Opera...Read More
Manuela Gatto – Arhitektura prati cikluse inovacija društvenog razvoja
Intervju: Manuela Gatto – Arhitektura prati cikluse inovacija društvenog razvoja Specijalno za časopis „grenef – građevinarstvo & energetska...Read More
What about architecture as an urban project? Meet Alice Diestch, Director Amanda Levete Architects- AL_A, speaker at SHARE Serbia
Alice Diestch, Director AL_A, will be analysing the input of architecture in the urban projects within SHARE Serbia 2023. This...Read More
The “Green Obsession” of nowadays’ architecture: Meet Stefano Boeri Architetti at SHARE Serbia 2023
This year, the 5th edition of out International Architecture & Technology Innovation Forum, SHARE Serbia 2023, will take place on...Read More
From the Effect of Architecture to the Knowledge of Architecture: 20 Years of Yazgan Design
On the 20th anniversary of its establishment, Yazgan Design Architecture is organizing an exhibition that will present its theoretical and...Read More
Small Projects, but Large Scale Facades? Meet Rex Bombardelli, Associate Design Director 2Portzamparc, guest speaker in our upcoming forum, SHARE Serbia 2023
This year, the 5th edition of out International Architecture & Technology Innovation Forum, SHARE Serbia 2023, will take place on...Read More
See how Bratislav Tošković and his team are in a sustainable manner transforming a “bystander” from the seventies into a ”trendsetter” of today.
Bratislav Tošković, co-owner Olla Architecture, Finland, will join us in the 5th edition of our annual International Architecture & Technology...Read More