Armand Vokshi
Armand Vokshi is is the founder of the Avatelier, a professional studio in architecture and urban planning, and the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, at the Polytechnic University of Tirana.
His academic and professional path is linked to the introduction of research on architecture and urban planning within the Albanian territory. He is the author of several publications and monographs in the field of architecture, as well as of professional and academic exhibitions and conferences. From 2016 – 21, he was elected the president of AAA (Albanian Association of Architects).
Awards of the speaker:
In 2019 winner of one of the awards at the Iconic Award in Munich for “Between Olive Trees” Villa and was nominated for Eumies Award 2019.
AVATELIER is an architectural design studio based in Tirana. It tends to harmoniously combine the academic research part with the professional
applied part. Avatelier is always looking for New Urban Silhouettes, which relate to contemporary public space, architecture, landscape, and infrastructure in the city. With great rigor, each project analyzes in detail the history of the country, “Genius Loci” and the required program, to then connect it with the “strong” conceptual idea and related derivatives of what will be experienced in it. the future.
Some of the works realized by the motivated staff of Avatelier studio, as well as the research works of Armand Vokshi, have been published in many articles in professional magazines and international newspapers. They have been part of various exhibitions and references in Albania, the Balkans, and other European countries.