Premieră SHARE România 2023: Expoziția „Blueprints of Innovation: Showcasing Architecture’s Leading Firms”, o incursiune în arhitectura românească
Cea de-a 30-a ediție a Forumului Internațional de Arhitectură SHARE România 2023, eveniment care se va desfășura la București în...Read More
On forgetting façades and creating public spaces; Meet Péter Bordás, speaker at SHARE Serbia 2023
Péter Bordás, CEO& Head of Design at BORD Architectural Studio, will be present in the fifth edition SHARE Serbia with...Read More
SEE HOW IT WAS // Unveiling the Highlights of SHARE Bulgaria Forum 2023
As we look ahead, the conference series promises to maintain its momentum with a lineup of exciting upcoming events. SHARE...Read More
SHARE România 2023: Inovații în designul fațadelor și siguranța clădirilor. Cea de-a 30-a ediție a Forumului Internațional de Arhitectură SHARE România 2023 se va desfășura în perioada 1 – 2 noiembrie, la București
Forumul Internațional de Arhitectură SHARE România 2023, cel mai complex eveniment dedicat profesioniștilor din arhitectură, inginerie și construcții, se...Read More
Materiality and Public Spaces: Unearthing the Narrative Power of Ceramics in 21st Century Architecture
At SHARE Bulgaria 2023, Matt Wilkinson will be speaking about the parallel development of his projects at the V&A, MAAT...Read More
Victoriei Square, Timișoara International Design Competition
Bucharest, JULY 2023 The Order of Architects in Romania (OAR), with the support of Timiș Territorial Branch of OAR and...Read More
SHARE Serbia 2023 Forum Invitation
Dear participants, We are thrilled to announce the upcoming International Architecture Forum SHARE Serbia 2023, set to be held in...Read More
SHARE Skopje 2023 Forum Invitation
Dear Architects, Designers, Developers, and Architecture and Design Enthusiasts, We are delighted to extend our warmest welcome to the 6th...Read More
SEE HOW IT WAS // Unveiling the Highlights of SHARE Cyprus 2023
On May 16th, the International Architecture and Technology Innovation Forum – SHARE Cyprus 2023 was successfully held at the Nicosia...Read More
Celebrating the remarkable achievements: Theo David, FAIA Emeritus, was awarded with SHARE OPERA OMNIA Award.
Theo David’s outstanding contributions to architecture and urban planning, his dedication to architectural research, and his remarkable achievements were recognized...Read More