SHARE Hungary 2025 Forum

Join us for SHARE Hungary 2025, the premier International Architecture Forum, set to take place on May 26th at the House of Music in Budapest.

As the 9th edition of the SHARE Forum, this event offers an exceptional opportunity to connect, learn, and explore cutting-edge architectural concepts. Renowned speakers from Hungary and around the world will present in-depth analyses of major projects and forward-thinking visions that shape the future of architecture.

Organized by SHARE Architects, the leading networking platform for architects in Central and Southeastern Europe, in collaboration with the Magyar Építész Kamara, this forum promises a dynamic exchange of expertise and inspiration.


  • Good Living Architecture

  • Designing Façades

  • Large-scale projects & Urban Development


  • Access to all SHARE Hungary 2025 lectures
  • Networking with peers and architecture leaders
  • Coffee breaks
Choose the ticket that suits you from the following categories:
  • Tickets for architects under 25
  • Tickets for architects and engineers working in design offices
  • Tickets for investors, real estate company representatives and contractors
  • Tickets for representatives of companies providing construction and architecture services.



Previous editions of SHARE in Budapest have featured prominent international architects, among them Maurizzio Meossi, Associate Director ZAHA HADID, UK; Martin Gran, Partner at Snøhetta, Norway; Jürgen Mayer H, Founder of J. MAYER.H und Partner, Germany; Martin Knuijt, Founding Partner of OKRA, The Netherlands; Etan Kimmel, Co-founder Kimmel Eshkolot Architects Israel; Erick Van Eheraat, Founder Erick Van Eheraat, The Netherlands; Gideon Maasland, Director MVRDV, The Netherlands; Hana Narvaez, Director Stefano Boeri Architteti, Italy; Thierry Damez-Fontaine, Director 2Portzamparc, France; Zoltan Neville, Partner Coldefy Architects, France; Angeliki Athanasiadou, Founding partner AVW Architecture, Greece; Andrea D’Antrassi, Associate Partner MAD architects, China; Holly Deichmann, Associate Principal Diller Scofidio + Renfro, USA; Tomaž Krištof, Founder Studio Kristof, Slovenia; Andras Dobos, Managing Director LAB5 architects, Hungary; Marco Petreschi, Founder Petreschi Architects, Italy.

Great Hungarian architects have joined the SHARE Architects network adding value to previous editions in Budapest or promoting Hungarian architecture in Europe. SHARE Architects Society, an exclusive group within SHARE Architects framework through which architects can confront ideas and conceptions, acting as a catalyst for debates and actions, include 37 leading Hungarian personalities in architecture, among them: Persányi Miklós, David Vitezy, Petar Bordas, Diána Ürge-Vorsatz, Hulesch Máté, Gabor Zoboki, Laszlo Rodnoczi, Attila Kovacs, Adam Hatvani, Ferenc Haasz  Gabriella Sajtos, Laszlo Foldes, Zsuzsanna Snopper, Szabolcs Portschy, Erika Katalina Pasztor, Richard Honich, Tamas Fialovszky, Tamas Devenyi, Katallin Csillag, Rozsa Csavarga, Katalin Fazekas, Sándor Mohácsi, Péter Hámori, Lajos Hartvig Dla, Béla Bánáti, Zsolt Félix, András Reith, Levente Szabo, Péter Sugár, Gergely Paulinyi, Sándor Finta, Andras Reith, Balázs Csapó, Pólus Károly, Nagy Csaba, Zsolt Gunther.


Digitalizáció, női építészek és új technológiák – ilyen volt a 8. SHARE Magyarország konferencia

Idén május 14-én nyolcadik alkalommal rendezték meg Budapesten a SHARE Magyarország 2024 Nemzetközi Építészeti és Műszaki Fórumot a Néprajzi Múzeumban. A „Homlokzatok és városkép” címet viselő nagysikerű esemény programjában ezúttal is számos elismert hazai és nemzetközi építész, illetve tervezőiroda jelent meg. A rendezvényről a konferencia elnökével, Csapó Balázzsal beszélgettünk.

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On May 14th, the Museum of Ethnography Budapest welcomed over 200 attendees for the 8th edition of the International Architecture Forum SHARE Hungary 2024. The event showcased a distinguished panel of architects and specialists, including César Frías Enciso from MORPH, Stuart Grahn of GRIMSHAW, and Marios Tsiliakos from Foster + Partners, alongside notable speakers from Hungary, Spain, UK, Iran, Luxembourg, Turkey, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Slovakia, and Romania.

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