
MEET THE SPEAKER at SHARE Georgia Forum 2024 \\ Jan Knikker, Partner and Director of Strategy MVRDV, The Netherlands

Jan Knikker, partner and director of strategy at MVRDV in The Netherlands will be one of the key-speakers at SHARE Georgia Forum 2024 taking place on the 11th of October, providing extremely valuable insights in what public appearance, relations and business development weigh in a successful architecture practice.

Jan Knikker is partner and director of strategy at MVRDV and he has been shaping the public appearance of the world-renowned office based in Rotterdam since 2008. He is in charge of business development and public relations, building bridges between these essential components and the purity of the architectural work. Leading a dynamic and vast studio which has to handle tremendously complex projects, he is heading up the MVRDV’s strategy to respond to global challenges by approaching them with a multifaceted perspective on architecture, urbanism and computing. He supervises and coordinates the output of MVRDV and engages personally in projects such as a resort and estate in Taiwan, the renovation and extension of an estate in France, or the masterplan for the reopening of the canals of The Hague.



Trying to change the general perception that the preoccupation for commercial aspect is a negative one, he shows how to successfully integrate it in the general scheme of an office without altering the “good” in architecture. Having at disposal so many tools and format of communication, so many expressive and technological instruments that influence the way that architecture is produced nowadays, it only normal to consider that public relations, marketing and business development are an indispensable, natural part of any contemporary practice and that they can be approached in a very creative way, as Jan Knikker suggests. His latest book entitled “How To Win Work: The Architect’s Guide to business development and marketing”, described as a business-focused guidance manual for young practices, has proven itself to be an extremely valuable tool, with insights, anecdotes, case studies and general information about all aspects of marketing. It was a RIBA best seller.



Jan Knikker has developed a proactive and creative approach to PR, always underlining the importance of sharing knowledge, of learning from others, of building opportunities and togetherness between all the actors involved in the architectural process. His background as a communications professional and journalist co-joint with the occasion to apply these skills in the architectural field has proved to be very fortunate. He is frequently invited as a key-speaker at international, commercial, and academic events in the USA (CTBUH, Atlanta Design Festival), Germany (Polis Convention, Stiftung Baukultur), the UK (RIBA and the universities of Coventry, Liverpool, Manchester, and Aberdeen), Israel (CTBUH, Technion, Bezalel), Colombia (Universidad Nacional, Utadeo), Australia (RMIT), Kuala Lumpur (UCSI), the Netherlands (TU Delft), and many other notable venues. Knikker has written and contributed to numerous MVRDV publications and exhibitions, including MVRDV Buildings.



Prior to his involvement in MVRDV’s activity, he worked at OMA for nearly a decade. The one who interviewed him for the job in 1999 was Rem Koolhaas himself, being highly receptive to Knikker’s journalistic approach (also due to his own journalistic background). Thus Jan Knikker’s path started unexpectedly, leading him to a highly successful career.

It is very clear that MVRDV identity is exquisitely defined, recognisable from miles away, which proves the incredible potential of communication and engagement with the audience. This has only consolidated the status of MVRDV as a powerhouse, along with the superlative quality of the architecture produced by the office. The firm has built a reputation for bringing innovative, unexpected, joyful, radical, exciting, ground-breaking designs into the game ever since its founding in 1993 by Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries.

About SHARE Georgia 2024 Forum

The first speakers announced for the SHARE Georgia 2024 International Architecture Forum are: Caroline Bos, Co-founder, Principal Urban Planner UNStudio, The Netherlands, Maurizio Meossi, Associate Director ZAHA HADID Architects, UK; Jan Knikker, Partner MVRDV, The Netherlands; Roman Kristesiashvili, Associate UNStudio, The Netherlands; Thomas Willemeit, Founder GraftLab, Germany; UK; Anouk Legendre, Founder XTU Architects, France; Sanjay Puri, Founder SANJAY PURI ARCHITECTS, India; Alireza Taghaboni, Founder NextOffice, Iran;  George Sulaberidze, Founder ArtStudio Project, Georgia; Giorgi Khmaladze, Founder Giorgi Khmaladze Architects, Georgia; David Nikuradze, Founder SPECTRUM, Georgia;

The price of a standard ticket for the event is 25 euros, which includes access to all lectures at the SHARE Georgia forum, opportunities to expand professional connections, and a coffee break. Tickets can be purchased on the event’s website.