Prof. Dr. Violeta NUSHI, Inxh.Dip.Ark.

Dean of the Faculty of Architecture,  University of Pristina "Hasan Prishtina

Prof. Dr. Violeta NUSHI, Inxh.Dip.Ark.

Dean of the Faculty of Architecture,  University of Pristina "Hasan Prishtina


Violeta Nushi is a Dean the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Pristina, Kosovo and Professor of Building Construction, Architecture and Construction Sustainability and Research Methodology in the Department of Architecture and the Department of the Energy Efficiency at the same Faculty. She is a Professor of Contemporary Building Techniques in the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the State University in Tetovo, Macedonia. She was an invited lecturer for Spring School 2016 at Fachhochschule Dortmund, Germany and Guest Professor at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, through CEEPUS program in 2015. Between 1989 and 1999, she worked as an urban-architectural planner in Urban and Architectural Enterprise ENING, Gjakova, Kosovo.  Between 2000 and 2009, she was a Construction Engineer in OSCE, Kosovo/Austria.  Professor Violeta was a scientific member of scientific projects and associations, such as COST TU0901, COST TU0905, COST TU1403, Kosovo’s Scientific Council, International Association of Life-Cycle of Civil Engineering (IALCCE), etc.  She was a local coordinator of TEMPUS Project DAPEEWB. Until now she has published numerous scientific research papers and has participated in many scientific and professional conferences.